Now available

Access industry-leading margin rates

Increase your buying power on Public with some of the industry’s lowest margin rates and more transparency at every step.

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More buying power. Lower rates.

When you enable margin on Public, you can amplify your investment potential with access to some of the lowest borrowing rates among US brokerages.

Compare the lowest margin rates from leading US brokerages

Interactive Brokers Lite6.83%
Charles Schwab11.825%

Chart reflects margin rates shown on competitor websites as of 11/11/24, exclusive of any special offers. Rates listed above are associated with each firm’s highest margin balance tier. Lower margin balances may be subject to higher rates. All rates above are subject to change without notice, and services vary by firm.

Our margin rates

Margin BalanceInterest Rate
$250,000 or more5.50%
$50,001 - $250,0006.50%
$10,001 - $50,0008.50%
Up to $10,0009.50%

For margin balances above $1,000,000, email to get the latest rates.

*See Fee Schedule and margin rate disclosures below for additional details.

Illustration Tiers Webp Starting rate 9.50% Lowest rate 5.50%

A more transparent margin experience

Easily check your margin balance

We keep you in the know about how much margin you have available, helping you avoid unexpected surprises and reduce the risk of a margin call.

Know when you’re investing on margin

We’ll alert you when a trade moves you into a margin balance, helping you make informed decisions on every order and avoid unintended borrowing.

Monitor your margin risk factors

From your margin management page, you track your margin status and risk levels with actionable insights to help you stay ahead of potential issues.

Expand your options trading playbook with margin

Level 3+ options traders with margin investing enabled can access advanced strategies, including credit spreads, butterfly spreads, and iron condors.

Options Disclosures

There are additional costs associated with option strategies that call for multiple purchases and sales of options, such as spreads, straddles, among others, as compared with a single option trade.

Margin Level 3

Frequently asked questions

What is margin investing?

Margin investing on Public enables you to increase your buying power by leveraging the stocks and bonds in your portfolio as collateral for a loan. When you invest on margin, you can capitalize on market opportunities and acquire more assets than with cash alone, potentially amplifying your gains.

How do margin interest rates work on Public?

When you enable margin investing on Public, we charge an interest rate that varies depending on your margin/debit balance and the upper limit of the Federal Funds Target Range. Rates are calculated using a set formula, which may change over time to reflect market conditions and regulatory updates.

What are the requirements to qualify for margin investing?

To qualify for margin investing on Public, we consider several factors, including your trade history and brokerage account balance. It only takes a few minutes to apply.

How do I get started with margin investing on Public?

If you’re already a Public member, you can apply to start margin investing by navigating to your Settings and Privacy and selecting Margin Account. If you’re new to Public, it only takes a few minutes to begin your account application. You can apply for margin investing once your account is active.

Need help? Reach out.

Have additional questions about margin investing on Public? Our US-based customer experience team has licensed specialists standing by to help.

Enable margin investing on Public

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Margin investing increases your level of risk and has the potential to magnify your losses, including loss of more than your initial investment. Please assess your investment objectives, risk tolerance, and financial circumstances to determine whether margin is appropriate for you. You must repay your margin debt regardless of the underlying value of the securities you purchased. Public Investing can change its maintenance margin requirements at any time without prior notice. If the equity in your margin account falls below the minimum maintenance requirements, you may be required to deposit additional cash or securities. If you are unable to do so, Public Investing may sell some or all of your securities, without prior approval or notice. You are not entitled to an extension of time on a margin call. For more information please see Public Investing’s Margin Disclosure Statement, Margin Agreement, and Fee Schedule.

*Public Investing charges a variable margin interest rate based on your margin balance and the upper limit of the Federal Funds Target Range, which is set by the Federal Reserve and is subject to change without notice. The formulas used to calculate the margin interest rate are subject to change at Public Investing’s discretion. The margin interest rates shown are as of 11/11/2024. For more information, please see Public Investing’s Fee Schedule and Margin Disclosure Statement.